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Can you escape from Granny and her house in five days?

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With LDPlayer you can easily run Android games on your PC. This installer allows you to download the emulator together with Granny, adapting the controls for keyboard and mouse so you can play it on Windows. You don't need any special knowledge since the tool itself will automatically install everything you need to play.

First-person horror

Granny is a first-person horror game where the action is set in a house full of traps. You have five days to escape, but traps aren't the only thing awaiting you there. Granny is also chasing you, and her goal isn't exactly to give you a loving hug. You must be very careful when moving around because if she hears you move or drop an object on the ground, she'll come tearing after you. Escaping from her house won't be easy, and you're sure to have more than one scare.

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A house full of puzzles

The house that you have to escape from is full of objects you can interact with. In Granny, you can open drawers and cabinets, add keys to your inventory, deactivate traps and, of course, hide inside cabinets or under beds. Sometimes, hiding is the only thing that will save you from the thrashing that Granny will give you if she finds you. Whenever you can't escape, Granny will knock you unconscious, and you'll wake up in bed at the beginning of the game. The problem is that a whole day will have passed and, on the fifth day, the game will be over.

A terrifying experience on PC

Download Granny and enjoy one of the great classics of modern horror for Android from the comfort of your PC. The game is quite short, so it won't take you very long to complete it. It's also the perfect game for streaming or to play with friends, thanks to the numerous jumpscares in store for players.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Information about Granny

License Free
Op. System Windows
Category Adventures
Language English
Author DVloper
Downloads 646,269
Date Aug 18, 2023
Content Rating Not specified
Advertisement Not specified
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